Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lawatan ke Museum of "Mosfilm Cinema Concern"

17 June 2010 - Satu lawatan ke Mosfilm Cinema Concern Museum yang telah diketuai oleh Y. Bhg. Datin Saripah Jaafar, telah dianjurkan bagi memberi peluang kepada para ahli PERWAKILAN Moscow untuk melihat serta mengenali dunia perfileman Rusia. Lawatan ini turut disertai oleh Ms. Irina Alexandrovna Belova, Jurubahasa (Interpreter) daripada Kedutaan Besar Malaysia. Lawatan seumpama ini pernah dianjurkan oleh PERWAKILAN pada tahun 2006 dan mendapat sambutan dan sokongan dari semua ahli.

Pelbagai koleksi unik barangan yang terlibat dalam pengambaran filem terkenal Rusia telah dikumpulkan di sini antaranya kostum, peralatan teknikal, poster, award, senjata, dan tidak ketinggalan koleksi motokar-motokar retro yang berusia antara 50-100 tahun. Di kawasan ini juga terdapat pelbagai model bangunan serta props/set lokasi dengan pemandangan yang pelbagai, sesuai bagi penggambaran sesuatu filem mengikut elemen serta babak penceritaan tertentu. Lawatan kami ini mengambil masa selama 1 1/2 jam dengan diiringi oleh seorang jurupandu (tour guide) yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris iaitu Ms. Sophia.

Tempat ini dibuka bagi kunjungan orang ramai pada setiap hari Isnin - Jumaat (10.00 pagi -5.30 petang) dengan bayaran 85 ruble bagi kanak-kanak/pelajar/pesara, dan 140 ruble bagi orang dewasa.

Berikut adalah informasi tentang Mosfilm yang dipetik daripada Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Mosfilm is a film studio which is often described as the largest and oldest in Russia and in Europe. Its output includes most of the more widely aclaimed Soviet films, ranging from works by Tarkovsky and Eisenstein (commonly considered the greatest Soviet directors), to 'Red Westerns', to the 'Akira Kurosawa' co-production, and the epic 'War and Peace'.

Petikan berkenaan Museum daripada website Mosfilm -

There is a collection of elements of different settings in several rooms of the Mosfilm Cinema Concern Museum. There are settings of old Kopenhagen from the film 'Andersen'; 'Life without Love' by Eldar Ryazanov; the moulage of the whole carcase of the huge bull into whose cleaved belly doctors put the poisoned Cesare Borgia in the film 'Poisons', or 'Poisoning World History' by K.Shakhnazarov; ancient carriers -a mail coacl and a tsar carriage - and many other exhibits there.

We are especially proud of the collection of retro vehicles.The Peugeot paeton car made in 1908, the cabriolet Rolls-Royce (1912), Russo-Balt (1905) - each of them feels at home in the 21st century, everyone is restored,on the go and in spite of its venerable age looks as if it were a spanking new car. Some models are one-of-a-kind in Russia. Every exhibit has its own unusual story: Cinemagoers saw the famous Volga in the films 'Watch out for Automobile' and 'The Diamond Arm', the Mercedes-Benz (1938) was used by Shtirlits in 'Seventeen Moments of a Spring', and Buick-8 (1941) belonged to the emperor of Manchuria Henry P'u Yi some time. The Packard (1937) was used as an executive -class car for Soviet establishment for many years; Voroshilov and the legendary pilot Chkalov used also Packard cars. Here one can also see famous Soviet govenment motor-cars ZIL-101 (1936) and ZIS-110 (1945_, trucks,buses and military equipment made during WWI and WWII.

The costume collection is of the utmost interest in the presented expositions visitors will see the dress of Helene from the film 'War and Peace' by S.Bondarchuk, the conventual dress of Andrey Rublyov from A.Tarkovsky's film of the same name, splendid costumes from the film 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan' by A.Ptushko, the tsar costume from the film 'Ivan Vassilyevich Changes His Profession' by L.Gayday and many other costumes.

The museum exposition changes regularly because many exhibits are used for shootings as before, so when some things quit the museum for shootings, other things from the richest Mosfilm collection take their place.

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